Friday, August 20, 2010

Differnet running processes on my computer try to connect to , is there a virus/

My computer has a really tight security, I have microsoft antispyware, lavasoft ad-aware, spybot s%26d, avast antivirus and outpost firewall pro,All running at the same time, but recently I have encountered an abnormal behavior.Outpost warns me that a process/program is requesting an outbound connection to or!!!I have blocked all outbound connections to these addresses but this really bothers me. Is there any trojan,virus or spware program on my computer?I have scanned my computer with avast antivirus, microsoft antispyware,spybot s%26d,spy sweeper,lavasoft ad-aware and ....!! but they can not find any Malicious software. I am almost sure that there is some thing wrong with my computer.sometimes even the explorer itself tries to connect to these addresses.My OS is windows XP SP2 with the latest security updates.pleeeeeeeeeez help me. Thanks you a lot.Regards

Differnet running processes on my computer try to connect to , is there a virus/trojan?spyware removal

I have reviewed the online public information for this domain registration

the web site you have listed in your question is owned by

They are a company that sells design services...

did you ever register with

If you cannot figure out who this is then disable them from conecting...simple as that.

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