Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is computer being hacked?

When I switched on my computer today, my norton internet security suite displaying message ''New network detected'' giving the IP address and Gateway Mac numer.

Its asking me to set up connection. Does it mean my computer is being attacked? Please tell me what to do?

Is computer being hacked?vista

re -configure your computer and never change your ip gateway. it could be a virus attack. generally hackers do not tell that they are hacking you.

in any case all of us are always pron to hacking as soon as we connect to the internet.

Is computer being hacked?antispyware

Try using SpyBot or Ad-Aware professional.

These are free for personal use.

Scan your PC. These software can tell about dailers and hijacker programs installed
Yea yea yea ..u may be in trouble... just put some Fire walll
That would stink.. Don't set up that address.. you could be right
NO!!! Why asking this??

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