I have a cable modem with high speed internet,t.v. and phone.I hooked up a wireless router through a network on my p.c. for my sons laptop,but it slows my computer down.Not to mention the security risk of someone getting into MY computer through the wireless network.Can I connect another modem to connect his wireless router to,so he can get a wireless signal without creating a network connection from my desktop computer?I have cables in every room in the house,so finding another connection is not a problem.The cable company,WOW hooked directly into the existing cable system,so there is connections to the cable everywhere.
Can I make a wireless connection to a laptop without networking through MY desktop computer?free anti virus
well.. from what you said.. you mean that your pc is the Admin for all the other pc's ( you wanna control the rest pc's from your main pc) anyway .. about slowing your conniction it is normal.. but you will need to upgrade it just the first times you will feel it is kinda or actually not kinda :) you will feel it is slow but then you will get used to it.. and try using some programes to speed your pc there is a good programe i know.. but i am not that sure about it and it is free you can Google it (( CCleaner)) try it .. i am using it right now.. and about the wireless network.. you can make a Password for your conniction so no one could enter you computer and mess up with it.. but you will also need a really go Security Software.. like Norton..
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