Sunday, August 15, 2010

I had an office update from windows update that stated; How to update your computer with the JPEG pr

During a windows update I had an office update that required me to update my pc with JPEG processing. After the update, the directions were.How to update your computer with the JPEG processing (GDI+) security update

the GDI+ security update for September 2004 addresses a security issue in JPEG processing technology. This issue affects software that supports this image format, including some versions of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. If you have either software installed on your computer, you should install the related update. Depending on the software you are using, you may need to install multiple updates from multiple locations. Problem Is I do not know what this JEPG update is and how to accomplish this office update?

ANY advise?


I am running a Dell dimension E520 Microsoft Windows XP Media Center service pack 2

I had an office update from windows update that stated; How to update your computer with the JPEG processing?best antivirus software

Just go to and download all the available updates and you'll be fine.

The update does apply to your system and should be applied.

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